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Juno Promise has stylists that have monitored the hair care industry for over 3o years.

Our Goal at Juno Promise is to teach haircare secrets, and help novices as well as others learn what it takes. We all know hair is a very natural part of life. This book will help you with chemical treatments. Learn salon tricks for your hair to eliminate dry damaged hair

Meet Rose Bonner

Rose Bonner is a licensed clinical mental health counselor who shares her love for the mind by day. At night, she is a scientist that enjoys the chemistry of cosmetology. She gained her license twenty-years ago, as a cosmetologist, to take care of her hair. She delights in creating hair colors that bring out the natural beauty of a person. She wants to share salon secrets to simplify chemically treated hair.

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Have a Question that isn't Addressed in our Book? No Worries! We're here to help you with any of your hair-care related questions.

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Notes & Instructions

  • Videos must be under 5 min & under 128mb.
  • Please only submit questions about haircare.
  • No medical or skincare questions.

We will respond to you with an answer in 1 to 3 days.

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